Escola de Engenharia e Arquitetura – Setor de Tecnologia

Seminário do Programa CAPES – Superporous nanocellulose aerogels for Cu(II) uptake from wastewater

Seminário do Programa CAPES-PrInt da UFPR

DATA: Quarta-feira, dia 08 de março, às 14h00

LOCAL: Auditório 2 do Departamento de Engenharia Química, Centro Politécnico, UFPR

TEMA: Superporous nanocellulose aerogels for Cu(II) uptake from wastewater

PALESTRANTE: Prof. Dr. Marc Delgado-Aguilar, Universidade de Girona, Espanha

Brief introduction to the seminar: In this seminar, I will provide an overview of the main research lines and activities of the Laboratory of Sustainable Materials and Product Design (LEPAMAP-PRODIS), a research group from the Department of Chemical and Agricultural Engineering and Agrifood Technology from the University of Girona (Spain). The presentation will follow with the specific topic of “Superporous nanocellulose aerogels for Cu(II) uptake from wastewaterâ€, where the advantages, limitations, and opportunities of nanocellulose-based aerogels as Cu(II) adsorbent will be reviewed, as well as the main mechanisms of electrostatic interactions for the removal of this pollutant in wastewater. The seminar will cover some experimentation conducted at LEPAMAP-PRODIS research group, both in batch and in continuous, and its performance will be analyzed by Langmuir isotherms and other continuous models, such as the Bohart-Adams or Yoon-Nelson. Overall, the seminar will exhibit that nanocellulose can represent a strong alternative to synthetic adsorbents for Cu(II) uptake, but further research is required in terms of optimization, appropriate surface modifications, and selectivity against other ions in water.

Brief CV: Dr. Marc Delgado-Aguilar holds a Serra Húnter position at the University of Girona, in Spain. He is currently leading the Departmental Section of Chemical Engineering at Polytechnic School and the Laboratory of Sustainable Materials and Product Design (LEPAMAP-PRODIS). His research is mainly focused on the use of lignocellulosic resources as a platform for the development of value-added fiber-based materials, such as paper, composites, or nanocellulose-based structures, for a wide variety of applications, including food packaging, additive manufacturing, structural materials, and environmental devices for air and water pollution remediation. In the recent years, Dr. Delgado-Aguilar has incorporated modelling techniques applied to cellulose-based materials (LCA, TEA, CFD…). Dr. Delgado-Aguilar has participated in several national and international projects, as principal investigator and as a researcher. Dr. Delgado-Aguilar also serves as Associate Editor in Industrial Crops and Products.

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Escola de Engenharia e Arquitetura – Setor de Tecnologia
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Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
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Setor de Escola de Engenharia e Arquitetura – Setor de Tecnologia
Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3497
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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