CAPES Evaluation

Graduate Programs in Brazil are evaluated every 4 years by the federal agency CAPES, which is the main source of scolarships for graduate students.

The Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering of UFPR was received a grade 5 in the last quadriennium, comprising the years 2013 to 2016. The grades range from 3 to 7 and 5 means excellence in the national context.

Click here to access the CAPES relatory in the area of  Materials

The next evaluation will be performed in 2021, comprising the period 2017-2020.

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Universidade Federal do Paraná
Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3308
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3497
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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