Graduate Program

The Graduate Program in Materials Science and Engineering of Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), also known by the acronym PIPE, is a multidisciplinary program which offers graduate degrees of Master of Science (MsC)  and  Doctor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering. The Master’s degree requires a maximum of 2 years study and a written research dissertation. The doctorate requires a maximum of 4 years study and written research thesis.

The program’s objective is to promote collaborations between different areas, mainly Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering, using a multidisciplinary research approach for the advancement of science and technology.

To face the demands and challenges of modern industry, PIPE offers educational and research programs that follow current trends in novel and advanced materials, as well as in synthesis, design and operation methodology.

There are 5 main lines of research:

  1. Biomaterials and Applications: development and characterization of biomaterials and its uses in biomedicine, ranging from ceramics, metals, polymers, composites and nanostructured materials. Research involves surface treatments, biocompatibility and bioactive response studies, osseointegration analysis, mechanical, physical and chemical properties characterization.
  2. Renewable and Non-renewable energy systems: study and characterization of materials for fuel cells, batteries and for energy harvesting.
  3. Engineering Materials: study and development of general purpose engineering materials, ranging from mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering sectors. Current research includes metals, polymers, composite materials, and ceramics. Thermal, electrical, magnetic and optical properties, as well as aging and degradation of materials are of interest.
  4. Materials Properties Modeling and Simulation: Thermal, mechanical, electric, magnetic and optical properties of materials are modeled using (quantum mechanical) first principles or phenomenological models, aiming for a deep level comprehension and/or for materials properties optimization.
  5. Thin Films, Interfaces and Surface Technologies: Research involves thin film and surface production and characterization, aiming its potential uses in Engineering. Theoretical and experimental studies are conducted in order to elucidate the role of dimensionality and nanostructure organization on both physical and chemical properties, surface stability and interfacial aspects.

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Universidade Federal do Paraná
Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3308
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3497
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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