Academic Board

The academic board is in charge of the course academic administration and its constitution should overview the faculty diversity of actions as well as the program students. This board is also responsible for creating policies, setting the mission and purpose, strategic planning, and program review, among other things.


  • Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Evaldo Ribeiro
  • Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Daniel Eiras
  • Secretary: Maria Neiva Rodrigues Fedechem


  • Prof. Dr. César Augusto Dartora
  • Prof. Dr. Pedro Henrique G. de Cademartori
  • Profª. Drª. Cláudia E. Bruno Marino
  • Prof. Dr. Fernando Wypych
  • Aline Souza Salum (Student Nominee)


  • Prof. Dr. Dante Homero Mosca Júnior
  • Prof. Dr. Cyro Ketzer Saul
  • Prof. Dr. José Viriato Coelho Vargas
  • Prof. Dr. Camilla K. B. M. de Oliveira

1st. Semester 2nd. Semester
06/03 07/08
03/04 11/09
08/05 02/10
05/06 06/11
03/07 11/12

Meeting Minutes (in portuguese, click here)

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Universidade Federal do Paraná
Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3308
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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Setor de Tecnologia

Centro Politécnico, Edifício de Administração, 2º Andar
Fone: +55(41)3361-3497
Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
Curitiba (PR), Brasil

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